Saturday, November 15, 2014

A submissive mindset

OK I would like her to be a dominatrix.  Demanding and sexy but unfortunately that aint gonna happen.  Mind you it would be interesting.  I suspect though the risk is what happens if I didn't like it anyway.

I find though that having a submissive mindset is for me a good happy place to be.

Even though she is not sexually dominant, she is effectively controlling.  Some of the practical outcomes of having a submissive mindset are firstly to simply accept and go along with any decision or direction she makes.  There is a childish behaviour that I have to watch simply out of being respectful.  That being to almost accept sulkily.  So if she makes a decision and I accept it with a snyd comment or more noticeably if she asks my opinion and I respond with "I don't care" or similar.

Now it could be that I really don't care but I have to consciously choose words that convey that in an adult way.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

How can FemDom work?

I am not sure how to title this but I was thinking things like
What is in it for her?
Why should she put the effort in to dominate him?

Both of these are interesting

I suspect that my wife when she engages in somewhat dominant behaviour is doing it because she wants me to be happy.

If we flip back to the traditional male dominated relationship, I doubt too many men took a dominant position in order to make the woman happy.  I bet most guys were basically self motivated.  Having a submissive wife basically meant that their needs - food, clothing, sex, everything were taken care off.

So given in my case at least that my wife's motivation would be more to make me happy then maybe I need to be more direct in talking about what makes me happy.  The down side is that this may cause her to freak out.

The convienience of a nappy

I have a fetish for want of a better word with wearing a nappy.  No desire to poo in it.  Perhaps it is a security thing.  I don't wear one all the time but I do a lot of the time.  When I am wearing them I go in cycles.  I will simply wear one effectively as underwear and not use it.  These are disposables but they don't tend to last long before they fall apart if not used.  If I am careful then I will get a week out of one.  Sometimes I go through phases of wearing plastic pants over the top.  This is useful if toward the end of the week and to a small degree provides additional security in the event that I need to use it.  Just occasionally I will be in a situation where it is handy.

Today was such a situation except I have not been wearing for a month or so.  As part of my work I have to attend meetings and today I had several meetings in succession with no opportunity to go to the toilet in between and coffee at each meeting.  By the end of the last meeting I was in some pain. After the meeting which concluded with walking with client I was no longer really listening to them as I was totally focussed on my predicament.  We shook hands and parted and I went to my car.  I was bursting and the first thing to do was to drive to the nearest McDonalds and use the loo.

It however has reminded me of why I like nappies.  Time to buy some more I guess.

Monday, November 3, 2014


We had sex on Sunday night.
Well mutual masturbation.
It was a very enjoyable time of cuddling and kissing and touching that resulted in me rubbing her and she was rubbing me.

During this she said she wanted us to cum together that she likes it more than anything if we cum together.

Highlights the differences.
I obliged and enjoyed.
But still really what would have been edgier would be if she had cum and had forbidden me. 

Highlights our differences.