Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Un engaging

I am curious and requesting your help.

I have noted a similarity across all areas of my life.  Work, home, social and this blog.  The similarity is that I do not seem to be able to engage for want of a better word with people.

I do not mean that I am a loaner.  But nor am I the person that people gravitate too.

This is evident here in the almost non existance of comments and yet it seems that most of the other blogs by submissive husbands draw half a dozen comments to almost every post.

Why I do ask myself.
What is it about those posts that elicits comments and what is it about my posts that doesn't.

So my request is not for you to make an artificial effort to respond to my posts about my submission and thoughts thereof but to respond to this post to say why you personally do not feel inspired to post a response to my other posts.  I jave a thick skin so please be truthful and direct.  The invitation is there to be critical.  I can take criticism and I promise not to get defencive or to sulk (too much).

My hope is that by learning here, that I can take that learning and apply it in other areas of my life especially in the relationship with my wife.

Thanks in advance.


  1. I'm a newly submisiver husband, and just found your blog I look forward to reading more.

  2. Open a Twitter account, it will dramatically increase your audience. I recommend U the Twitter helper called Itweet (itweet.net/web). Learn to use it in order to tweet each post with the mentions #femdom #fetish #kink #slave #submissive (few "twuniverses" related to your main topics.

    Best regards

  3. Remember that the vast majority of people just browse the net - they don't post.

    My Devotional Sex photo blog is looked at by an average of 800 people per day, yet in the last week only one person has asked me a question. My Devotional Sex FetLife group has 546 members, yet no-one has posted anything in the last week.

    Judge the value to others of what you post by how many people READ your blog (you need good website statistics).

    So far this year I've had 174 people visit my DevotionalSex.com website thanks to the links you have posted on your blog. As most of your readers would not have followed the link to my site this proves that you do have many readers.

    I too wish I had lots more feedback, but it's the readers that count.


  4. Thanks guys for the positive comments.

  5. Your question is not clear. By 'engage with other people' do you mean you can't make small talk, can't enjoy being around others? Lose interest in the people you are with? Can you be more explicit.


    1. Hi Lon,

      you know there are some people that attract others. At a party, people go to them. Not me.

      It is not that I loose interest in others. It is that it seems I have to approach them.

      It seems that the way I speak, or what I say does not engage others. Like here, I get very few comments and responses yet other submisisve husbands get quiet a number of comments for each post they make whereas I get usually none.

      At home I wonder if my wife is just disengaged from me not just sexually but in all ways.

      At work, I sometimes wonder why I am here. People come to me for work but not for a chat. At lunch for example, if some people are there others will gather. If I am there well I am there. I do not attract people if that makes sense. I do not think they avoid me. In fact I know that there are pople at work who most people avoid and that does not seem to be the case with me but nor do they gather round me.

      Does that make sense?
