Tuesday, April 2, 2013

OK had an orgasm

We went camping over the Easter Break.  Before we left she said to bring a plastic bag & a condom.  She had already said it would be Easter Sunday.

It was all a little clinical actually.  She was on her period.  I have never been into sex with er when she is on her period and I don't think she was too keen on it either.

Saturday night, actually sunday morning we got into our tent after midnight.  As we were walking toward the tent she made comment that it was Sunday.  So I had my hopes up.  Alas not to be.  She said she was tired and went off to sleep.  In the morning she said to put the plastic bag on.  I did of course.  Rubbed.  Came.  Well it was an orgasm.  Almost a let down actually.  There was no teasing.  Being in a tent limited opportunities so we had to keep it quiet.

Now we are back home.  She is sleeping.  I wonder where we will go from here.


  1. What a letdown after all of the waiting. See orgasms are not as hot as you remember. I hope Mistress continues on her journey.

    1. It is interesting to reflect that We (I) tend to build up orgasm as the KPI of a relationship.

      With the benefit of hindsight, intimacy & sexual tension should rate higher.
