The shooting in Florida. I wonder why the madness. Why do people seek to impose their will by violence on others.
My sympathies and thoughts go out to those affected.
I understand that there are people in this world who hold different views to me but what drives them to want to exert their will by violence and yet I don't. Like my thing is that I'm OK with you being different to me. I don't wish to force you to be like me and I don't wish to kill you if you don't agree with me. I don't understand why for others though they wish to kill those who are different from them.
My thoughts then go to all those other victims of violent crime all over the world that we don't hear about. The Florida massacre is all over our news but there are killings every day all over the world and mostly we don't hear about them. My heart goes out to those people and their families too.
Then I think "I really don't want to know". I know that sounds weak and an excuse but too much of this just gets me down. I wish for a peaceful world and a peaceful world for all.
You are so right, submanhub. There is no solution, I fear. We only can try to do the right thing.
Thanks Appy.