This page I will use to record my feelings until my next release.
Obviously as time goes on, this posting will be further down and those who are interested will have to scroll down to see the update.
SUN 12-JUN-2011
Had great sex including release for me.
In the discussion the next day (I think) she said that as we were targeting longer and longer periods of abstinance, that my next release will probably be about a week and a half away.
MON 13
Tues 14-JIN-2011
OK but was quite turned on in bed this morning. Actually a bit of emotional up and down and at one stage felt quite down. Before I had made the decision to be submissive to my wife, I had spent years trying to dominate her and I used to force her to wear short skirts almost all the time. It had ended up in a sort of frustrating stalemate for both of us. She would wear them when I was around but wear jeans when I was not around. So I felt usurped because she would not obey me and she felt embarrassed when she wore them. Not surprisingly. Anyway as I lay in bed this morning I just felt down because in recent times she has rarely worn short skirts and never in what one would call difficult situations. Anyway after I get it off my chest here, that is OK and of course now it is her decision. ahh that feels better.
This morning, before we got out of bed (I was going to say "up" :) ), my wife stroked my penis which got real hard real quick. It is kind of weird that her attention this way actually makes it easier to abstain than if she were not to touch me or show any interest. That would be hard. (as in difficult)
I guess must have been OK. Did not expect nor even think about it.
FRI 17
Bit of a 'ball ache' and starting to get that funny feeling at the front of my shoulders. Kind of a want to shrug my shoulders kind of feeling. Had a hard on this morning but knew there was no chance of sex so did not even rub up against my wife. ACtually no chance over this weekend as she has gone off with some of her girl friends.
SAT 18
Ball ache continues. Wife away for week end so no expectation of sex. Quite alert and OK emotionally
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